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NAPEO Member Committees

NAPEO Member Committees

An active and involved membership is critical to NAPEO's impact and success. NAPEO member volunteers are the driving force behind our efforts on behalf of the industry, from government affairs to education to marketing. If you would like to get involved by participating on one of our committees, please email Andrea Desmond with your interest. 

Chair: Wendy Katz, Questco
Staff Liaison: Farrah Fielder, (703) 739-8161,


  • Development of best practices and industry financial guidelines.
  • Focus on enhancements of the Financial Ratio & Operating Statistics Survey and interpretation of results.
  • Program development for CFO Seminar and finance/accounting related sessions at annual conference.
  • Accounting/Finance column for PEO InsiderÒ magazine.
  • Most business conducted via conference call (6-8 one hour calls per year) or email; two in-person meetings to review and discuss survey results in conjunction with CFO and annual conference.

Volunteer Criteria

  • CFOs/Controllers or PEO owners/professionals with accounting and finance experience
  • Auditors, bankers, finance professionals to PEO industry
  • PEO committee members must agree to participate in Financial Ratio & Operating Statistics Survey

Chair: ​Eric Foster, PEO Velocity by Compass/PRM
Staff Liaison: Nancy Benoudiz, (703) 739-8169,


  • Support associate member involvement in association initiatives including policy development, legislative action, self-regulation, etc.
  • Bring insight on efficiencies and obstacles relative to the service platform of the PEO.
  • Enhance the associate member value proposition.
  • Conference calls as needed; in-person meetings at PEO Capitol Summit and annual conference.

Volunteer Criteria

  • Seeking Associate/Service Partner members actively involved and engaged in the PEO industry
  • Willingness to get involved in retention efforts and actively recruit new members.

Staff Liaison: Robin Schlesinger, (703) 739-8176​,


  • Program development for NAPEO’s annual conference
  • Review of annual “Call for Papers” entries.
  • Most business conducted via conference calls (3-5 calls per year) or email and one in-person meeting at the upcoming conference site.
  • Members are asked to attend annual conference.

Volunteer Criteria

  • All areas of PEO expertise needed
  • Helpful to have attended NAPEO’s annual conference in past and/or be available to attend when serving on the committee
  • Associate/Service Partner members must provide non-commercial input; committee membership does not ensure a speaking opportunity


Chair: Andy Lubash, PrestigePEO
Staff Liaison: Thom Stohler, (703) 739-8167


  • Obtain a more streamlined CPEO application process.

  • Facilitate increased participation by NAPEO members in the CPEO program; and, 

  • Provide assistance, information, and best practices for NAPEO members who choose to become a CPEO. 

Chair: Alex Campos, Vensure Employer Services
Staff Liaison: Kerry Marshall, (703) 739-8171,


      •  Keep cybersecurity issues in the forefront of the Association’s work

      •  Work to develop best practices for cyber issues in the PEO space

      •  Educate members about cyber-security threats through webinars, articles, and presentations

Chair: ​Monica Denler, InTANDEM HR
Staff Liaison: Thom Stohler, (703) 739-8167,


  • Recommends NAPEO’s federal legislative and regulatory agenda to the board of directors.
  • Ensures that the NAPEO’s federal legislative priorities are aligned with industry business objectives and NAPEO’s strategic plan.
  • Ensures that the board of directors approved federal legislative and regulatory agenda is being pursued before the federal government and Congress.
  • Recommends revisions to NAPEO’s federal legislative and regulatory agenda as warranted by events.
  • Regularly reports on the progress in implementing NAPEO’s federal legislative and regulatory agenda to the board of directors.

Volunteer Criteria

  • Membership on the FGAC shall consist of both director and non-director representatives of NAPEO member companies appointed pursuant to the NAPEO Bylaws. 
  • NAPEO member companies are limited to two representatives on the FGAC.
  • Understanding of the federal legislative and regulatory process and the role of the association in those processes.
  • Willingness to learn and understand details of federal legislation and regulations and their applicability to the PEO industry.
  • Willingness to work with PEO industry colleagues to develop consensus industry positions on federal legislation and regulations.
  • Willingness to meet with federal elected officials and regulators.
  • Commitment to monthly meetings (by phone) and two in person meetings during the PEO Capitol Summit and annual conference.
  • Ability to review technical/legal documents with a quick turnaround time.
  • Additional consideration given to NAPEO members with existing relationships with Members of Congress or Senators and/or experience/record of involvement in government affairs.

Chair: Amie Remington, The PeoplEase Group
Staff Liaison: Thom Stohler, (703) 739-8167,


  • Recommend to the NAPEO Board aspirational goals for the PEO industry on PEO-sponsored and/or administered health plans.
  • Advise the NAPEO Board on government policies and business practices that could impact PEO-sponsored and/or administered health plans.
  • Review the impact of federal and state healthcare legislation, regulations, guidance, enforcement, and sub-regulatory activities on PEO-sponsored and/or administered health plans, and when necessary, recommend to the Board the positions NAPEO should take on federal and/or state healthcare policy.
  • Provide healthcare policy expertise to the FGAC and the SGAC with the purpose of assisting these committees in their lobbying activities.
  • Produce best practices and other materials to assist NAPEO members in complying with federal and state employer-provided health insurance regulations and requirements, especially as these requirements relate to PEO-sponsored and/or administered health plans.
  • Provide communications to the NAPEO membership on legislative, regulatory, and business developments impacting PEO-sponsored and/or administered health plans.

Volunteer Criteria

  • Interested individuals should be experts on PEO-sponsored health plans, federal/state health insurance regulations, ERISA, and other employee benefits laws and regulations.

Leadership Council Chairs are elected by each Leadership Council individually for a two-year term.

The Chair of the Leadership Council Committee is a member of the NAPEO Board of Directors who is also an elected Leadership Council Chair. This individual is a member of the NAPEO Executive Committee.

Chair of Leadership Council Committee: Joe Beers, G&A Partners

Activities of Leadership Council Chairs

  • Serve as a delegate on the State Government Affairs Committee and a member of the Leadership Councils Committee; provide advice and input on government affairs initiatives.
  • Provide support on planning, promoting, and hosting Leadership Council Forum(s).
  • Serve as a liaison between local members and NAPEO.
  • Support efforts to recruit new members and renew lapsed members.
  • Attend four annual Board of Directors meetings.
  • Participate in four annual LC Committee calls.

Volunteer Criteria

  • LCs are comprised of any members who are domiciled and/or do business in a particular states(s)
  • Members may be active in multiple LCs
  • Multiple people from a company may be active in an LC, but each company has only one vote per LC
  • LC Chairs must be from a PEO member company



Chair: Norman Paul, SWBC PEO
Staff Liaison: Farrah Fielder, (703) 739-8161,


  • Serves in an advisory capacity to the NAPEO Board with regard to legal issues and legal aspects of policy issues. Assists in keeping the NAPEO Model PEO Act current with industry developments, handles specific assignments as directed by the Board, and considers the impact of judicial and regulatory decisions on the industry.
  • Assists the NAPEO General Counsel in reviewing the PEO Advisor Column for the PEO Insider™ and providing input on various other legal issues during the course of the year.
  • Provides the bulk of the authors for the NAPEO Legal Reviews™ and NAPEO Legal Insights™ and many for PEO Insider™ magazine articles.
  • Provides speakers for NAPEO legal webinars.
  • Provides input in developing content and providing speakers for the PEO Capitol Summit.
  • Meets monthly by conference call to discuss legal, legislative, and regulatory matters of import to the PEO industry; in-person meetings at the PEO Capitol Summit and annual conference.
  • Provides a peer-to-peer resource network for PEO attorneys.

Volunteer Criteria

  • Members of the Council must be attorneys
  • Members must be in-house PEO counsel or Associate/Service Partner members (i.e. principals, partners, employees, etc. of an Associate/Service Partner member firm). Outside counsel for a member PEO whose firm is not an Associate member are not eligible.
  • Council size is limited and volunteering does not guarantee automatic appointment to the Council. One appointee per company or firm is permitted.


Chair: Andrea McHenry, Insperity, Inc.
Staff Liaison: Kerry Marshall, (703) 739-8171,


  • Assist in the development and implementation of a comprehensive industry marketing program, marketing materials, and branding efforts.
  • Assist in the development and implementation of a comprehensive and evolving communications plan that builds visibility for the industry.  Evaluate new tools and services needed to execute the communications plan.
  • Identify potential media opportunities and serve as a spokesperson for the industry as needed in media efforts.
  • Assist in the continuous evaluation and improvement of the NAPEO website, provide input and guidance on NAPEO’s social media efforts, and identify new social media opportunities and strategies.
  • Support NAPEO efforts to build strategic affiliations with key organizations.
  • In-person meeting during NAPEO’s annual conference and quarterly conference calls.

Volunteer Criteria

  • Open to all representatives of NAPEO member and associate member companies. 
  • Committee members should have interest and expertise in communications, marketing, media relations, and social media.

Chair: Tara Conger, Tandem HR
Staff Liaison: Andrea Desmond, (703) 739-8166,


  • Advise NAPEO staff on membership strategy, including PEO & associate members, both renewals and new members;
  • Review and provide input on membership-related materials, efforts and policies.
  • Review and evaluate potential association affinity programs.
  • Participation in meetings primarily by phone

Volunteer Criteria

  • Open to all representatives of NAPEO member and associate member companies. 
  • Willingness to get involved in retention efforts and actively recruit new members.
  • If interested in joining, please email Amy Gambill, Member Services Coordinator.

Co-Chair:  Barron Guss, simplicityHR by ALTRES
Co-Chair:  Bill Maness, Syndeo Outsourcing LLC
Co-Chair:  Clay Kelley,
Staff Liaison: Andrea Desmond, (703) 739-8166,


  • Provides input on charitable partner selection and development of engagement opportunities at events.
  • Assists NGB Committee Chair with fundraising outreach for the Annual Conference
  • Conducts most business via conference call and email.
  • Members are encouraged to attend the NAPEO Annual Conference and the PEO Capitol Summit, and take an active role in onsite engagement opportunities.

Volunteer Criteria

This committee is open to all NAPEO members. NAPEO members with a passion for and/or experience volunteering in their communities are most welcome.

Staff Liaison: Connie Samuels, (703) 739-8174,


  • Enhance professional and leadership skills via speakers and organized training sessions
  • Provide a voice for younger leaders in the PEO industry
  • Engage in virtual and in-person meet-up events via zoom and NAPEO-sponsored events.

Volunteer Criteria

  • Open to all NAPEO members or associate members, under 40 years old
  • NextGen members must attend at least one meeting via zoom/in person
  • If interested in joining, please email Blake Waravdekar , Events Manager, at

Chair: Brent R. Tilson, Tilson HR
Staff Liaison: Thom Stohler, (703) 739-8167,


  • Solicitation of NAPEO members for contributions to NAPEO PAC in a manner that conforms to applicable federal laws and the solicitation plan approved by the PAC Committee.
  • Approval of a distribution plan for NAPEO PAC donations.
  • Development of and compliance with internal governance guidelines.
  • Oversight of the PAC’s finances.

Chair: Celeste Johnson, The Applied Companies
Staff Liaison: Hannah Walker, (703) 739-8170,


  • Assist with the development of NAPEO’s state government affairs initiatives.
  • Make policy and funding recommendations for approval by the NAPEO Board.
  • Assist in getting local members active in grassroots initiatives.
  • Most business is conducted via monthly conference calls; in-person meetings at the PEO Capitol Summit and annual conference.

Volunteer Criteria

  • PEO professionals from a variety of states active in or knowledgeable about state legislative and regulatory issues
  • Industry expertise and knowledge of workers’ comp, UI, or health regulatory/legislative process
  • Commitment to be active in legislative, regulatory and grassroots activities



Chair: Jenna Marceau, Syndeo Outsourcing LLC
Staff Liaison: Andrea Desmond, (703) 739-8166,


  • Provide education and networking focused on women in the PEO industry.  
  • Empower women within NAPEO’s membership both professionally and personally. 
  • Engage as a community to share experiences, insights, best practices, and career advice. 
  • Encourage women in our industry to be future leaders of NAPEO. 

Volunteer Criteria

  • Open to all NAPEO members.
  • WIN members must attend at least two committee meetings and attend one WIN event.
  • If interested in joining, please email Cass Likouris, Member Services Coordinator.